Dropshipping is easy,quick and safe
The way we cooperate with customers is to help the seller: sourcing- Payment(Pay in advance for products purchased by partner)-collection - checking - shipment-Settlement bill(once a week)
You can watch a video on Youtobe,is one of my usa client talk about our service:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RItVDlBDDCk
You can watch a video on Youtobe,is one of my usa client talk about our service:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RItVDlBDDCk
If your store is a shopify store, you can connect the shopify store to our system for order processing (www.mabangerp.com). Once connected, we can see the store‘s order in real time, then ship it, and the tracking number can be automatically uploaded to your store. It is easy, quick and safe.
If your store is on another platform or you don‘t want to connect to our system for order processing, you can send us an order via the Excel form - then we buy the product - we ship it - send the tracking number to you.

We are responsible for purchasing products, packaging, and selecting the right logistics delivery. You focus on the operation of the store. We will help you increase your store sales.